Day 2+3 of the teatox journey

In true Kelly style,I totally forgot to write a post yesterday. And when I say forgot, I mean procrastinated for so long that it got to the point where I was just way too tired to function.

It’s only been a couple of days since I started my teatox venture but already I’m noticing a couple of things. The first being, you really need to pee. A lot. Like more than usual for the 3 cups of tea you’re drinking a day. The good news is, that means it’s working right? Flushing out all the bad stuff inside is always a good sign.

Also, even though I missed my lunch tea yesterday and forgot my breakfast tea this morning, I’ve felt like I have more energy than usual and my appetite has decreased a fair bit. I’m also finding myself wanting to eat healthier. It’s like I’m feeling more energised to exercise and because I’m exercising it’s a lot easier to choose healthy food. Does that even make sense?

My last two workouts have been SO much easier too, I’m not sure if this actually has anything to do with the tea or not but it’s great knowing that changes are taking place in my body and it’s all for the better!

Day One: Tiny Tea – make me tiny!

it has the cutest little sachets!

So after having it sit in the cupboard for the past 4 months or so, I’ve decided that today is the day I start my first teatox. Yep, that’s right, teatox. For one thing it sounds a lot nicer than detox and let’s face it, everything is better when it involves tea. 

I used to think detoxes of any kind were just a waste of money and time but after a glowing recommendation from a friend I decided to hit up the interwebs and see what all the fuss was about. 

A quick Google search led me to where I was faced with all sorts of tea, from Man Tea, and Her Tea, to Anti-C Tea (aka anti-cellulite) and Fertility Tea and of course, Tiny Tea. The Her Tea is an everyday tea while the Man Tea is a 28 day course and Tiny Tea comes with the option of a 14 day or 28 day course.  

After reading up on all the promised results of this magical little tea, including (but not limited to) assisting with reducing weight, easing bloating, increasing digestion functionality, improving skin clarity, increasing energy levels and alleviating issues associated with food intolerances. And after the reassurance that Tiny Tea does not cause a laxative effect like many other weight-loss teas (always a bonus), I decided to give it a go and opted for the 14 day cleanse for $35 NZD. 

Anyway, back to the actual tea. After promising myself yesterday that I’d start it today, I actually totally forgot when I ate breakfast this morning. However, true to my word, I went back an hour or so later for it. After letting the teabag infuse for the suggested 5-7 minutes, it was finally time for me to kick off my latest health and weight loss adventure. First impression – the taste. Ugh. I usually drink my tea with milk so I guess it’ll take a little adjustment to get used to just a teabag in hot water. Although the taste did improve slightly with the more I drank and as the water temperature decreased slowly. 

I’ll be off to the gym this afternoon because I don’t do things half-heartedly (and I also feel fat coz I haven’t been for 4 days…) and hopefully Tiny Tea will do its thing! I’ll keep posting my progress with the teatox and the upsides I notice and the downsides if there is any. I’m looking forward to the next 14 days, with any luck I’ll start feeling the benefits soon!